Blaze and the Mega Machines is an animated series for the youngest, featuring the crazy adventures of an eight-year-old young technician - AJ. The boy, together with his red monster truck Blaz, travels throughout Axle City, solving the problems of the inhabitants and their machines.
Blaze and his mega friends are ready to raid Zderzaków and more! These collectible metal trucks have huge wheels and unique character. And now there are more of them than ever! These crazy vehicles have metal bodies, huge tires and metal axles to reach dizzying speeds. Recreate crazy raids and wild tricks from the Blaze and the Mega Machines TV series! Each vehicle has a fantastic and unique appearance. Collect all your friends from Blaze and the Mega Machines (each sold separately, subject to availability).
An assortment of collectible metal vehicles.
Large massive wheels and metal axles.
Precise workmanship and reproduction of the details of fairy tale characters.
A rich collection of fairy-tale vehicles to collect.