Sweaters & Jackets

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Mothercare You Look Great Today Jumper Blue E158 Age- 9 Months to 5 Years
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Sweaters & Jackets

Are you at that stage where you are excited to do some shopping for your little one, yet you are not sure what sizing and clothing type would be the best for your little one? Every parent experiences this puzzling stage especially if they are welcoming their first baby. It might be quite challenging to find the right size, fabric, and overall fit for your little ones especially when there are countless options to pick from. Picking clothes for your baby is slightly different from picking clothes for yourself as you might want to select the best quality for your children. 

Peekaboo is here to give you a concise guide on what you need to create that essential wardrobe for your little one!

What should be considered when choosing sweaters & jackets?

There are some important points to consider before you start adding clothes to your cart. Some of the steps you might need to be aware of are shortlisted below.

Safety comes first. As Peekaboo we always put your baby’s safety and happiness in the foreground. Make sure that anything you pick for your little one does not contain any sharp or chewable object that can harm your baby.

Always choose one size bigger than your baby’s actual age. They grow pretty fast. Rather than ending up with clothes that will be small, you might want to pick clothes that they will fit in a few months. To give you an example, sometimes 6 months old babies can fit in clothes designed for 9-12 months.

Be picky when you buy clothes for your little one. The cheap option might not always be a bargain. Your baby’s skin is quite sensitive, therefore materials that won’t irritate their gentle skin should be preferred. 

Consider the cost. Babies grow so fast. You might think they can look adorable in some outfits but you are having second doubts about the price tag. Think about how long they will be able to wear that outfit first before making a decision.

Take seasons into consideration. Depending on where you live, always be prepared for the next season. You would not want to end up unprepared for the summer season if you forgot to shop for any cute shorts or short sleeves for your little one. 

Buy in packs. It can be exhausting to pick every single piece separately and hope that some of them would match, especially for outerwear. If you buy in bundles, you will eliminate that risk and also will have great bargains for multiple products. It will save a tremendous amount of time as well!

What are the sweaters & jackets brands?

Peekaboo offers top-quality child clothing such as Carter’s and OshKosh! We know how quality and comfort matter to you. That is why we are here to offer top-quality products with great quality and functionality from the most favored brands by parents all around the world!